Podcast Machine

SMI Radio is a weekly audio magazine that takes you inside of the local music scene here in Seattle and the Northwest. We feature great music from some of the finest local, regional, national and global music artists as well as interesting conversation with them. We cover a variety of bands and musical genres. SMI Radio invites you to follow us as we take you inside of the local music scene here in Seattle and the Northwest. We will cover a variety of bands and musical genres. We will take you where you may have never or may not have time to go. We will evangelize some of the great work from some of the finest local, regional, national and global music artists. SMI Radio is about our musical community as well as the passion and love for music that lives inside all of us. Moreover, we believe that music has the power to bring people of all races, creeds, colors and genders together through the common language of rhythm, chords and notes. SMI Radio is committed to shining the spotlight on groups and organizations that serve the broader community via music and music education We hope that you enjoy the show and the wonderful music that our city and region offers the world. Thank you for listening. Peace, Love & Music - Greg Roth / Seattle Music Insider